adidas Skateboarding

238 total products
adidas - the three stripes with cult character! Since 2006, adidas has been producing skate shoes and streetwear of the highest quality and with state-of-the-art technology. Supported by a first-class skate team and appealing videos, adidas Skateboarding has found a firm place in the scene. [read more]
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This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Busenitz Vintage Shoes (feather grey red orbit grey)
Skateboarding Busenitz Vintage Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Busenitz Shoes (grey two core black grey three)
Skateboarding Busenitz Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 14 %
adidas Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes (bluebird white navy)
Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes
CHF 95.00
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes (white core black gold melange)
Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Originals Campus 00s Shoes (collegiate green core black off)
Originals Campus 00s Shoes
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes (carbon crystal white grey)
Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Superfire Track Pants (legend ink)
Superfire Track Pants
CHF 85.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 6 %
adidas Skateboarding Nora Shoes (core black zero spark)
Skateboarding Nora Shoes
CHF 85.00
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Tyshawn Low Shoes (white white gum)
Skateboarding Tyshawn Low Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Puig Shoes (crystal white white gum)
Skateboarding Puig Shoes
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Superfire Track Pants (black II)
Superfire Track Pants
CHF 85.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 21 %
adidas Originals LWST Shoes (collegiate green core black off)
Originals LWST Shoes
CHF 95.00
CHF 120.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Puig Indoor Shoes (white dark green white)
Skateboarding Puig Indoor Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Superstar ADV Shoes (core black white white)
Skateboarding Superstar ADV Shoes
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Copa Premiere Shoes (white white white)
Skateboarding Copa Premiere Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Superstar ADV Shoes (white white white)
Skateboarding Superstar ADV Shoes
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Puig Indoor Shoes (charcoal core black chalk white)
Skateboarding Puig Indoor Shoes
CHF 85.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Puig Indoor Shoes (core black white gum 4)
Skateboarding Puig Indoor Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Originals Adimatic Shoes (core black white carbon)
Originals Adimatic Shoes
CHF 120.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 14 %
adidas Originals Campus 00s Shoes (core white green off white)
Originals Campus 00s Shoes
CHF 95.00
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 15 %
adidas Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes (white white gold melgange)
Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes
CHF 85.00
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Stan Smith ADV Shoes (white core black white)
Skateboarding Stan Smith ADV Shoes
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Samba ADV Shoes (blue white)
Skateboarding Samba ADV Shoes
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Tyshawn Low Shoes (white team royal blue chalk whit)
Skateboarding Tyshawn Low Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Busenitz Shoes (black white metallic gold)
Skateboarding Busenitz Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Campus 00s Shoes (blue white white)
Skateboarding Campus 00s Shoes
CHF 120.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 6 %
adidas Skateboarding Court TNS Premiere Shoes (core black white white)
Skateboarding Court TNS Premiere Shoes
CHF 85.00
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas H Shmoo T-Shirt (black)
H Shmoo T-Shirt
CHF 52.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Nora Shoes (white white ivory)
Skateboarding Nora Shoes
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 19 %
adidas Skateboarding Matchbreak Super Shoes (core black white gold mint)
Skateboarding Matchbreak Super Shoes
CHF 65.00
CHF 80.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Tyshawn II Shoes (crystal white core black solid g)
Skateboarding Tyshawn II Shoes
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 25 %
adidas Skateboarding Copa Nationale Shoes (core black sig gum)
Skateboarding Copa Nationale Shoes
CHF 75.00
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Stan Smith ADV Shoes (grey night indigo cellegiate ora)
Skateboarding Stan Smith ADV Shoes
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Pro Model ADV Shoes (core black grey core black)
Skateboarding Pro Model ADV Shoes
CHF 120.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Matchbreak Super Shoes (dark green white white)
Skateboarding Matchbreak Super Shoes
CHF 80.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Adimatic Shoes (black white gum)
Skateboarding Adimatic Shoes
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 25 %
adidas Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes (core black core white core white)
Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes
CHF 75.00
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 25 %
adidas Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes (white core navy grey one)
Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes
CHF 75.00
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 6 %
adidas Skateboarding Nora Shoes (white core white navy)
Skateboarding Nora Shoes
CHF 85.00
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes (core black white gold)
Skateboarding Tyshawn Shoes
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 14 %
adidas Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes (core black blue burst carbon)
Skateboarding Forum 84 Low ADV Shoes
CHF 95.00
CHF 110.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 38 %
adidas Originals Adimatic Shoes (grey one core black grey three)
Originals Adimatic Shoes
CHF 75.00
CHF 120.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Aloha Super Shoes (fox red core black burnt sienna)
Skateboarding Aloha Super Shoes
CHF 100.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
– 17 %
adidas Skateboarding Copa Premiere Shoes (grey one white gum)
Skateboarding Copa Premiere Shoes
CHF 75.00
CHF 90.00
This item is also available in other colours or shapes.
adidas Skateboarding Shmoofoil Slip Shoes (core black carbon core black)
Skateboarding Shmoofoil Slip Shoes
CHF 80.00